What makes good art?
What falls into the category of art?
What can be/should be presented in a gallery?
What constitutes a presentation?
What constitutes a gallery?
Concept/visual/installation/performance - can these all coexist happily in the same milieu? Is there some value to all of the above? Am I missing anything there?
Lots of questions. If you've got answers, send me a line, 'cause I'm a little messed up at the moment. It's a good messed up. But it's still messed up.
Thanks summae for your posts. Interesting reads, to be sure.
And so, more comments in addenda to bring my thoughts more to the fore.
Obviously, the questions that I posed are open. Very open. Particularly as it starts to concern the last three. That doesn't mean that they are questions that can be easily sidelined. Take the question of what should/can be presented in a gallery. I am fully supportive of offensive art (if you don't want to see/experience it, don't go to the gallery) but what of destructive or hateful work? Is that creation? Is that a furthering of some conversation or investigation of some question? Will it actually get fair criticism by society to moderate, or will it become the gathering call for either short-sighted hate groups or short-sighted 'libertarian' censorship groups? Are any of these questions significant to the artistic process?
Now what happens as that gallery space extends out into the public sphere - a mural, a billboard in the stratosphere, lights on the dark side of the moon, a virus that imposes its mandate on computers... Maybe this bridges into the question of willingness for presentation. I'm not really sure, but I'm certainly not finished with the investigation.
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