art manifestations

The arts world is increasingly disparate and individuals' voices are getting lost in the noise. This is one artist's take on his world and his chosen vocation. It is a chance for him to wax philosophic on what it means to be an artist, the definition of art, and other artists and their thoughts.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Concept art

cool statement on concept art here

to quote the article:
"People assume (Booker Prize-winners are good authors), often without reading the books, just as they assume the opposite about the Turner Prize, often without having seen the shortlisted artists' work. And for no better reason than that most of us had a verbal education up to at least 18, and a visual education that stopped at around seven. We trust authors not to gull us only because we trust ourselves to be able to tell if they're trying to. Maybe the answer for anyone feeling enraged by Starling's shed (boatshed) is to find themselves a little evening class."

This is a wonderful launching off point for a rant... maybe next time.


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