art manifestations

The arts world is increasingly disparate and individuals' voices are getting lost in the noise. This is one artist's take on his world and his chosen vocation. It is a chance for him to wax philosophic on what it means to be an artist, the definition of art, and other artists and their thoughts.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

not so perfect success

From failure to future success is I suppose the way things have to go

That doesn't mean that I have to enjoy the failures, however. Such as failure for the project to be realized due to constraints that I newly discovered from the materials. Gack.

I just discovered that "white cement" in Tunisia is white, true, and very prone to cracking as it dries and quite weak. Great. Not particularly good table top material. Well, on to the next attempt, I suppose. Maybe it'll work better in small sections and poured for the bedside table tops... We shall see.

In any case, the march of progress moves inextricably forward. I'm learning, I'm experimenting, I am living the arts as is my desire. I wouldn't trade these failures for all the successes I could acheive in other fields.


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