art manifestations

The arts world is increasingly disparate and individuals' voices are getting lost in the noise. This is one artist's take on his world and his chosen vocation. It is a chance for him to wax philosophic on what it means to be an artist, the definition of art, and other artists and their thoughts.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Four Unusual stories...

Here's the result of a little artistic excercise I recently undertook
with a couple of friends...

Story 1:
The gorilla beat on its chest as it stood upon the fallen ice. It
waited for the man to respond. Too bad he was watching Oprah or he
might have heard the thumps in the freezer. His tick, though, heard
it like crystal. It jumped off to its death. The gorilla ate the
tick with relish…and mustard.

Story 2:
The fields were grey and dreary and the cows were distraught. No
coaxing could force them to eat dirt. The aliens began to lose their
patience with the cows. They screamed and raged and pointed their
lasers at the cows. They really freaked out when the cows pointed
back. Dust settled; the slowest guns in the West.

Story 3:
The frog felt better after his Gravol breakfast. It seemed as though
the wind was a whore. Where was his mistress to feed him? He
hammered his fist shattering the goldfish bowl. As the water poured
out of the bowl he was washed onto the floor. All of his Gravol came
back up and his mistress found him lying dead in his own breakfast.

Story 4:
There is no room for liposuction, he told her. That's right, she
answered, not since I gave birth to the Mastadon. Nothing else fits
regardless of cupboard space. All of the sugar could spill... Ah,
but there's not much could sweeten up that gerbil. Mastadons have a
way of leaving the taste a little flat


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