art manifestations

The arts world is increasingly disparate and individuals' voices are getting lost in the noise. This is one artist's take on his world and his chosen vocation. It is a chance for him to wax philosophic on what it means to be an artist, the definition of art, and other artists and their thoughts.

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Here's an abstract piece I've been working on for a while... It's hugeish - roughly 3 x 4.5 feet, and posessed by a (I think) wonderful chaotic energy. Still chugging away like I'm supposed to! Posted by Hello

Friday, August 20, 2004

Art production

Here's a simple question to send your way:
What good is being an artist who thinks great thoughts but doesn't
actually *do* art?

And that's it for now...

To add some levity to the discussion. Part of being an artist is producing regularly, and here's an enthusiastic gremlin to let you know I'm thinking about fall... Posted by Hello

Tuesday, August 17, 2004


the day is done

like some overcooked
rice pudding
crunchy and bleak round the outsides a
sweet centre
that tries like

some desperately late train

rushing who knows where?
for who knows why?

to make us feel
that this day had some special
it's just not quite sure of
what it was
and now

the station's past
the pudding's
just an empty bowl
charred chunks sticking to its ribs
and the day that was
